Sunday, November 20, 2011

Button Ornaments

I went to the craft store with my sisters this weekend while I'm on Thanksgiving break and we picked up a few items to play with.  I decided that i wanted to make ornaments for my friends back at school, but i didn't want to do the usual tinsel stuffed ornaments, because everyone makes those.  So i ran around the store looking for something to put in them that college age girls would like.  Then i found it.  


I mean, let's be honest, who doesn't like colorful buttons?  So I got a pack of six clear ornaments and 5 packs of mixed colored buttons (130 count).  With the buttons, just make sure you get them small enough so that they fit in the opening of the ornament.  I already had buttons at my house from a previous craft, which I need to put up here as soon as I get back to school, so i just took bright colored ones and put them in.  This craft is really simple and you could puff paint or etch whatever you want on the outside to personalize the gift.  I got all of this for under $20.00 too!

One of the ornaments
Let me know what you think about this!

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